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Welcome To "Client Contact 4u". We provide small to medium sized businesses with easy access to cutting edge, automated marketing systems, and technology, previously only available to large companies with their own Marketing, I.T. & Graphics departments. See below to find out more....

Whatever your business here’s how we can help you attract new, and repeat, custom…

We offer a range of unique services which, due to their highly specialised nature, are not always readily available from your webmaster. We are a team of design consultants, and specialist marketers, who are part of a small internet based company that provides managed marketing solutions to help small to medium sized businesses:

  1.  attract new customers; 
  2. keep existing ones by developing loyalty; 
  3. encourage easy referrals.

We supply our advanced services in such a way that you don’t need to invest in equipment or training!

Video Creation service

We can make awesome videos from your existing website photos to transform them into a dynamic showcase of your business!  Once created these videos can be used on websites or advanced video marketing campaigns including You Tube and Facebook.  Video is arguably the most powerful way of marketing any business.  As they say “If a picture is worth a thousand words a video says it all”.


Website & Mobile Website Design and Build

Most people now use their mobile to search the Net for everything so, for businesses, a mobile website is no longer just a “good idea” – it’s essential!  We design and build cost effective, mobile friendly websites that integrate in such a way that you retain your existing website and webmaster. This means you don’t have to waste time, or money, rebuilding your existing website.



TXT Marketing To Boost Profits

Our optional “done for you” TXT marketing system provides a hassle free way of attracting new business, encourages repeat visits and helps to build loyalty.  The only technical ability you need is to be able to send us an email.FIND OUT MORE >>>

Email Newsletter Service

We offer an additional email Newsletter option that is intended to integrate and complement your TXT marketing. This is extremely valuable if your service or offers are very visual.

Find out more >>>


Harness The Power Of Testimonials

Written testimonials have poor perceived credibility and people have great reluctance to go on camera for video testimonials. However, audio testimonials from satisfied clients are a powerful tool when it comes to drawing in business.  Our unique, advanced, system makes it possible for audio testimonials to be left quickly, and easily, by your customers.  These can then be made available for your website or even on You Tube or Facebook!  One of many possible uses is to have an audio testimonial with a picture of that client’s artwork.  (We can even create them as videos for you!)



QR Codes = Profits!

QR code stands for “Quick Response” code and is a matrix bar code similar to bar codes on most retail products these days, the difference being it holds much more data and information.  They can be a quick, and easy, way for people to get information about your business on their mobiles.  However, it’s essential that they lead to mobile friendly information or pages.